Indian Ornamental | Poecilotheria regalis

Invertebrate Interests is authored by Lillie Nyte of Inverts Unlimited

Poecilotheria regalis | Indian Ornamental Tarantula

Indian Ornamental Courtesy of Inverts Unlimited

Courtesy of Inverts Unlimited

General Description

Synonyms: Ornithoctonus gadgili

Common name(s): Indian ornamental, Indian ornamental tarantula, Indian ornamental tree spider, Ornamental tree spider, Regal parachute spider, King parachute spider

Keeper experience: Advanced

Adult size: 7+ inch leg span

Growth rate: Fast (Males reach maturity in 12 – 18 months, Females mature by 18 – 24 months)

Lifespan: Males: 2 – 3 years, Females: 10 – 12 years

Type: Arboreal (Spiderlings are terrestrial, constructing shallow burrows that may extend above ground)

Temperament: Quick moving and will bite if provoked

Venom: Medically significant, may cause severe pain and minor swelling among other symptoms

Urticating hairs: No

Natural distribution: Widely distributed throughout the Western Ghats mountain range at lower altitudes and also located in a few pockets of the Eastern Ghats range in southern India

Natural conditions: Heavily forested mountain ranges consisting of moist deciduous forests, subject to annual monsoon rains, with an average temperature of 68 to 75 degrees annually.

Conservation status: Species of Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Captive Care of Indian Ornamental Tarantula

Temperature: Room temperature (Mid 70’s to low 80’s Fahrenheit)

Humidity: Slightly higher than mid-range 60% – 75% (Mist enclosures weekly)

Substrate: 2 – 4 inches of dry coco fiber dampened once a month

Prey items: Prefers fast-moving prey such as crickets and Turkistan roaches, larger individuals will feed on adult dubia roaches

Miscellany: This species prefers to make their dens in tree hollows which can be artificially replicated in captivity using vertically oriented pieces of cork bark.