Bio-Active Terrariums | Plant Species – Aquatic & Temperate

Authored by Jeremy Kosonic Bio-Active Terrarium Plant Species | Aquatic & Temperate Plants Aquatic Plants Dwarf  Baby Tears or cuba Hemianthus callitrichoides This plant is Native to Cuba, (H. callitrichoides) (also called “HC” by aquarists) prefers bright light and higher humidity. It does well immersed, especially if planted near a pond or water feature. Given time, […]

Bio-Active Terrariums | Plant Species – Moss

Authored by Jeremy Kosonic Bio-Active Terrarium Plant Species | Moss Moss in the Bio-Active Terrarium When people want lush, tropical vivariums, they tend to want moss— EVERYWHERE. While this may look really nice, moss should be kept on the rocks, sticks, and background. Keep the floor clear for lots of dead leaves, seed pods, fallen branches, […]

Bio-Active Terrariums | Plant List – Bromeliads

Authored by Jeremy Kosonic Bio-Active Terrarium Plant List | Bromeliads Definitions Before going into suitable plants, here are some terms that will be useful; Aerophyte: A plant that grows on another plant (an epiphyte), but it takes its water and nutrients from the air and rain. Aerophytes are not parasitic. Examples: (Tillandsia spp.) Bryophyte: Mosses, […]