
Python species description

Ebola, IBD, Boas & Herpetoculture: The Ugly Truth

I am not one for conspiracy theories. I really don’t know personally if the Kennedy assassination was a Lee Harvey Oswald or if there were multiple shooters. I wasn’t even thought of President Kennedy lost his life that day. Today there are thousands of conspiracy theories in circulation from Area 51 and Alien abduction to […]

Next Generation Boas

Conservation vs. Herpetoculture

Conservation and Herpetoculture In a recent article someone asked should new species that are discovered be kept secret. Without reading the actual article personally but recognizing the photo of the Lao newt Laotriton laoensis and knowing the background of the discussion; I would tend to agree that the decision is well founded to keep the […]

Pythons in the Everglades & The Mass Media

Once again Shawn Heflick of Python Hunters gave us permission to run this here so as to spread the word. Here are his guidelines OK Everyone, here is a cheat sheet for the issues involving the Python/Mammal Study. I am doing this because there are a number of people speaking to the media that don’t understand […]