
Snakes are feature care articles and other information regarding the family of serpents.

Bio-Active Terrariums | Plant List – Bromeliads

Authored by Jeremy Kosonic Bio-Active Terrarium Plant List | Bromeliads Definitions Before going into suitable plants, here are some terms that will be useful; Aerophyte: A plant that grows on another plant (an epiphyte), but it takes its water and nutrients from the air and rain. Aerophytes are not parasitic. Examples: (Tillandsia spp.) Bryophyte: Mosses, […]

Bio-Active Terrarium Plants | A Walkthrough

Authored by Jeremy Kosonic Bio-Active Terrarium Plants Ever since the beginning of herp keeping, people have wanted to keep their animals in a natural setting (click Jump Link to read more about bio-active) Unfortunately the “spartan method” became more popular, making those with truly naturalistic enclosures a small minority. Now that people are realizing how boring […]

Problem Reptile Morphs | The Rare Normal

Authored by Pete Hawkins: Chameleon Network, Bearded Dragons Network, Snake Network, Gecko Network,  Amphibian Network, Tortoise Network Voted winner of Reptile Report’s Readers Choice ‘Lizard Personality of the Year’ 2016 The Rare Normal Today, an almost seminal “pick n mix” assortment of reptile morphs have been bred in captivity Since I first kept my very first reptile 30+ years […]