Chris Leone, owner/operator of Garden State Tortoise LLC, has successfully kept and bred over 50 species/subspecies of turtles and tortoises for more than twenty years. He maintains one of the most diverse collections of these creatures in the USA including the largest collection of Western Hermann’s tortoises (Testudo hermanni hermanni) which has enabled him to become coordinator for the North American Regional Studbook regarding them. Chris’ work does not stop with keeping and breeding but further extends into the public community via helping local zoos, organizations and fish and wildlife agencies. He is also an active contributor/author to Reptiles Magazine, Testudo Edizioni (Italy),,, TheTurtleRoom, The Reptile Report and various social media networks globally. In addition to this, he has also done extensive work regarding geographical variation and DNA research in Testudo species. He is a member of the Turtle and Tortoise Preservation Group and is in close contact with many chelonian organizations worldwide. Visit him and his animals, for a closer look into the world of turtles and tortoises through dedication by going to and Contact him directly at Garden State Tortoise Email