Frogs and Toads are amphibians which are in the class Amphibia which contain three Orders. Anura, Caudata, and Gymnophiona. Anura is where we find frogs & toads. Fun fact: The word Anura means absence of tail. Below you will find various links to the articles we have authored on frogs & toads kept in captivity as well as collection of books which we recommend.
The Difference Between Frogs and Toads
Frogs and toads have some similarities as they are both vertebrates ( back bone). Baby frogs and toads hatch from eggs with gills and live in water when young. They both go through a series of stages from the egg stage to adulthood.
True Frogs
- Bulging Eyes
- Vomerine teeth along upper jaw
- Smooth skin
- Lays eggs in clusters
- Long high jumps
True Toads
- Lower oblong shaped eyes
- No true teeth
- Rough dry skin that is bumpy
- Lays eggs in chains
- Walk or take small hops
Toads have less natural predators than frogs. One of the most common myths is that frogs and toads will give you warts. In the most recent years herpetoculturists have been breeding many different species frogs and toads for the reptile and amphibian pet trade. There are amelanistic (lack of melanin or black coloration), axanthic (lack of yellow coloration) and anerythristic (lack of red coloration) examples of various species available to the frog and toad hobbyist. Whether you are a beginner or advanced hobbyist there will surely be a frog or toad available that will suit you. Visit the links below for articles on specific requirements, captive care and breeding, and taxonomy of frogs and toads.
Frog Facts and Care Articles

Keeping it Clean | Cleaning your Reptile Enclosure

The History and Care of the Tomato Frog | Dyschophus sp.

Discovery and Care of the Common Surinam Toad | Pipa pipa

Poison Frogs & Their Vivaria