The Savannah or Bosc’s monitor as it is sometimes known (Varanus exanthematicus) is a popular species of monitor for those who want to keep monitor species. It doesn’t get as large as its cousins like the Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus) but it requires no less care than the other species. Savannah monitors (V. exanthematicus) draw us in with their seemingly tame nature; especially when we see the photographs of their owners walking them or ‘cuddling’ them. While true, Savannah monitors (V. exanthematicus) can be a more docile monitor; there are numerous techniques that owners should know in order to create an environment where the monitor can feel at home and therefore remain calm when interacted with.
Within this report/eBook John F. Taylor with the assistance of Robert Kilpatrick (a long time Savannah monitor owner) show the techniques not only for creating a natural habitat for Savannah monitors (V. exanthematicus) in captivity but we also examine handling protocols, diet, and much more. The report/eBook has been peer reviewed by numerous keepers within the reptile industry and finally edited by none other than Dr. Robert G. Sprackland himself a renown author of numerous reptile related books regarding both herpetoculture and herpetology. Savannah & Grassland Monitors was Dr. Sprackland’s’ book on this species.
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Rob of New Brunswick Canada had this to say
“I have been keeping many reptiles for years now and when my wife finally brought home my much anticipated savannah monitor I decided to get John’s care article. I have never kept a monitor before so this was the best place to start. Immediately I noticed the article is not just a rehash of every other care sheet on the internet and it actually cites sources! He covers everything you will need to start with your sav, from housing to heat to basic diets. He covers all of this pretty in depth as well as in a language most people can follow. He even touches on behavior as well as “taming” the animals. Easily worth the price of a coffee and would recommend to anyone picking up their first Savannah Monitor.”