Void Morph Colorless bearded dragon
We’ve known Charles and Tundra Dragons for some time now. They’ve done some incredible work regarding morph variations with bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). About a week ago we got a sneak peek of the new morph they’ve proven! We’ve also been given exclusive access to share some NEVER before released photos of their Void Morph Dragon.
“Void A Color canceling morph of Bearded Dragon”

“Void Morph” Bearded Dragon Tundra Dragons
The Void Morph of bearded dragons (P. vitticeps) originally came about in-house at Tundra Dragons, in the later stages an animal was sent to a select handful of other breeders for further outcrossing and testing to prove that it was not just the crossings of tundra stock that would produce this trait.
Void is a colorless trait, it’s been proven to be co-dominate, and believed to be a form of the axanthic trait.
As of this writing there’s not been a super form discovered. Void to Void crosses have been done with no apparent super form prevailing.
Discovering the Void trait happened by accident (as do a lot of discoveries), Charles acquired the original male who started it all as a yellow citrus dragon, as he aged, he lost all of his color except some orange around his eyes, leaving him a green/white colored dragon.
“The first pairing I did with him was to my super citrus female, what came next was a bit of a surprise, not only did I get some absolutely screaming yellow dragons, but about half the clutch lost all of their color and were sold as pet grade dragons. Fast forward two years and here we sit. I now realize those first handful of dragons which were not what I was looking for at the time were most likely the initial display of the colorless genetic gene I now call Void.”
When produced, voids at hatch do contain color, many don’t fully color-up and it’s only over time that they fade to the near colorless adults we see below in the gallery. Some animals taking 14-16 months to fully lose their colorations.
Voids display in very different ways when genes like hypo are added into the mix, a non-hypo void, appears metallic grey, while a hypo void has a more green / yellow tone to them at adulthood. Many voids retain the ring of color around their eyes and some will retain the bright color on their beards as well, giving them a striking look. It’s been noted there are varying degrees of how much color each animal loses, A hypo-trans Void dragon has also been produced and at seven weeks it’s still sea-green in color and has begun losing the other coloration it has/had while the green is intensifying.
A displaying Void dragon becomes apparent when placed next to a sibling, as you can see in the gallery photo with multiple juveniles, there are at least 2 voids shown there, with another which might be a Void as well but it’s not as far along in its loss of color phase.
Tundra dragons is currently on its third generation of Void production, and will soon be releasing a select few animals for sale to the general public.
Contact charles@tundradragons.com to discuss purchase options/pricing. Export is being considered but priority will be given to US customers.
Check out our Bearded Dragon eBook!