Microclimate Evo Lite & Evo Pro Thermostat Review
Authored by Pete Hawkins: Chameleon Network / Bearded Dragons Network / Snake Network / Lizard Network / Amphibian Network
Reptile Thermostat Review
I have been lucky enough to be given two thermostat controllers for review over the last couple of months.
But rather than do two separate reviews, it’s easier to do both in one.
Both of these Microclimate Evo units come well packed. And with a fold-out colour guide on usage. Along with an explanation on the included settings.
All leads are of ample length; far more forgiving and practical than other similar thermostats.
So here is the tech low-down:

Evo Lite Display
Evo-Lite: RRP £69.99
The Microclimate Evo Lite, is a single channel touch screen thermostat. It is capable of controlling your environment using; dimming, on/off, or pulse control methods.
It is capable of controlling heaters up to 600w.
Temperatures can be controlled with single, day/night, or 4 (multi) settings every 24 hours.
Evo Lite will also provide visual alerts for under, and over temperature.
Evo-PRO: RRP £129.99
The EVO Pro has 2 outputs and a maximum load of 1200W (600W per channel). The main (Yellow) channel, can be set to operate as a dimmer, pulse or on/off thermostat.

Evo Pro Display
The second, Aux (Blue) channel, can be set to control Humidity using a mister, or rain system. Or, like the EVO, to operate as an on/off stat, or timed controller.
The EVO Pro has a choice of 8 different time zone settings. This way you can use several naturalistic temperature periods throughout the day – either Constant (one). Day/Night (two). Multi Control (eight) or Periodic Control (output activated only for specific periods – you can choose the hours of operation – blue channel only).
Testing the Evo Microclimate Reptile Thermostat
Each ‘mode’ was tested for 2 weeks. Any temperatures were taken from both the unit’s display, and, my own digital thermometers which I had cable-tied together, to sit alongside the unit’s probe.
For the purpose of the review, I’ll give my opinions on both units for the relevant functions.
Dimmer Function
Dimming: (reduces the power to the bulb. Thus, lowering temperature. Then, brings it back up when safe to do so)
Pretty much ALL reptile keepers have used, or are using, this function. And with that, pretty much all of us have owned a standard Microclimate Dimming thermostat (B1 for example).

EVO PRO – Image courtesy of MICROclimate
They are tried, and trusted for functionality, accuracy, and reliability. After my very poor results with the iSTAT dimming function (see review), I was a little dubious when coming to test these 2 units. But, the accuracy and reliability from their ‘B1 series’ remains with these 2 products.
The dimmer functioned as I wanted. A subtle dim of the heat-source (a bulb in this case). Barely noticeable at all. That is exactly what you want from a dimming function.
If it’s heavily dimming, check the readout. It will give you a nice power percentage of the current heat-source.
Generally, you want the minimum wattage needed to obtain the need vivaria conditions. This is safer and, will stop the bulb dimming and re-lighting as much. In this case, I was using this function on a 1x Chameleon cages. Set at 32c using a 40w halogen bulbs.
The other, on a Bearded Dragon vivarium. Set at 40c using 40w halogens.
Both displayed on the unit display more or less the same readings as the attached thermometer probe. Although, the Evo Pro did seem more ‘in-tune’ with the thermometer, than the Evo Lite. But still, only .2 or .3 of a degree in difference. So, nothing at all to worry about in the slightest.
Conclusion: I was very happy with this function on both units.
Pulse Function
Pulse: (pulses power to the source, to keep an accurate, steady, temperature)
For this test. I used both, for one week, on 2x Snake vivaria, on Ceramic bulbs.
The 2nd week. On a couple of insect breeding bins, on heat-mats.
Again. Exactly as you need. Safe. Reliable.
Like their standard ‘B2’ Pulse stats. No issues here.

Evo Lite Packaging
Unit Readouts and thermometer readouts again, almost identical when used with the Ceramic. And vivaria occupants. Very happy.
For use with the heat-mats, the readout was slightly off on the ‘Lite’ when comparing both unit and thermometer readout. It was a couple of degrees out. The ‘Lite’ was showing the temp I had set to, 30c in this case. But the thermometer was showing I was under by 2c.
So, I swapped them around. Put the ‘Pro’ in the bin that had the ‘Lite’ in, and visa versa.
All was OK then. On both units. Both displayed near-on the same readouts.
I came to the conclusion, it was how the probe and temp probe were sitting in said rub. Causing incorrect readouts.
On/Off: (Turns the power on, and off, to maintain a set temperature)
The most basic function. A simple ‘Power on’, ‘Power off’ function to maintain the set temperature. For this, I used it again, on a heat-mat. This time, on a Leopard Gecko set-up. No issues at all running this mode. A basic mode, delivered the basic needed parameters. It kept the heat-mat, safe, and in the set temperature range.
The following function, is Evo Pro specific only
Humidity Controller Function
Humidity Control:
Now. This is the function I was extremely keen to use. As I already have a system setup for misting on a couple of Chameleon cages, along with a Mist-king system. I opted to dig out my spare misting system. The Exo Terra Monsoon. And set it up on the females Chameleons cage, who currently was without a misting system.

Evo Pro System unboxed
After toying with the settings, to achieve a variety of effects within. It misting for a set amount of second at a set time.
It, going off to simulate morning and evening humidity and moisture spikes (thanks Paul for the help in this area).
I did though settle on the mister being set-off, once a low of 30% humidity was reached. And, for it to stop spraying when a 60% humidity was reached.
This spray generally lasted only a few seconds. As its job was to maintain a certain level of humidity. NOT be a sole source of hydration like most set-ups with a misting system.
This option provides a more ‘Realistic’ environment I feel.
Once I got my head around the option available. As they are aplenty. It worked like a charm. And I have a very happy Lady Chameleon.
Features of Note: (on both units)

Evo Lite Unbox and review
Security features are also included. Like customisable acoustic, and visual alarms. This is to indicate an over or under temperature.
The simple, and needed screen locking feature. To prevent accidental changes to settings being made by intrigued little hands.
Also, an external super-fast fuse on the base unit to protect the internal components from damage due to external faults. Even power spikes.
What can I say. These stats are perfect. Having owned the standard Evo for a couple of years now. And, being a user of Microclimate stats for many years. I had very high hopes.
I was not disappointed, not once have these stats let me down.
I put these stats through their paces. Tests at multiple temperatures and multiple environments. I can say, these are the best Thermostats on the market. As you all know, from previous reviews I have done. I’m honest. If I don’t like something, or a certain feature, I’ll say and explain my reasoning.
Well, nothing of the sorts here.
If you purchase either of these units. You will be a very happy keeper. More importantly. Your chosen reptile/amphibian will be kept safe. Its chosen environment, accurately in-tune to the set parameters.
Well done Microclimate!