Musings of The Herp Father

Musings of The Herp Father is a look through the sometimes jaded eye of someone who was once a breeder & decided it was better to educate than create new morphs to make money with.

Reptile Feeding Conundrums: Prey & Diet in Herpetoculture

Feeding & Diet in Herpetoculture Prey items or food for reptiles has gone through some major upheavals over the past years. Only a few I know of, have made a large impact on the herpetoculture industry so far. We can all agree (I hope by now) most snakes and some lizards will take, what we […]

Snakes Don’t Make Good Wardrobe

Snakes and reptiles don’t make good apparel choices neither do humans as we’ll see. Today I came across what I thought (hoped) would be an intelligent discussion on why it’s never a good idea to place any reptile around your face; much less wrap a snake around your neck. What I saw, was the exact […]

Your Vet is Always Wrong

Why Your Vet is Always Wrong We see it across social media almost weekly if not more often. Someone in our network of ‘friends’ talking about a sick reptile they took to their veterinarian and how the veterinarian summarily killed their beloved pet; of course for the extra flair the veterinarian was unskilled. I’ve got […]