Rattlesnakes: The Truth, The Lies, & The Horror!

Rattlesnakes are one of if not the most misunderstood reptile when it comes to the public perception of reptiles. I am posting this today under a bit duress as I recently contacted the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation regarding the rattlesnake roundup, which you can see in the link. They completely avoided my question regarding the video.

In a few other articles I have spoken directly about the necessity to protect not only our reptile and amphibian wildlife through conservation but specifically rattlesnakes. In And the Cascabel will Fall Quiet and earlier in Rattlesnakes: Myths, Misnomers, & Misconceptions I covered rattlesnakes as a species. Today I decided it was time for someone who doesn’t know me personally to talk about the subject. So here is a brief video of Orry Martin the Texas Snake Hunter himself not to not simply talk but show our readers the real TRUTH behind the rattlesnake species in the wild. As they always say when writing “show, don’t tell” well Orry shows us with his video. After you’re done watching this, click the share buttons below as appropriate and let’s really get the truth out there. If you really want to help, you can purchase the shirt right off Orry’s back and a significant part of that purchase will go towards RARR. OK, OK, truth be told Orry was partial to his shirt but we found out he got it from N.E.W.T.S and word has it, they have one in your exact size and color choice!