reptile health

Atadenovirus | My Bearded Dragon, and Adenovirus

Authored by Pete ‘The Guv’nor’ Hawkins: Chameleon Britain / Bearded Dragons Network / Snake Network Atadenovirus (Adenovirus) Adenovirus, A deadly virus that can lay dormant from birth. Going back 10 years ago, I had a male Bearded Dragon. He was around 4 years old at the time if I remember correctly, I had him from […]

Cross Contamination | Reptile Health Risks

Authored by Pete Hawkins: Chameleon Network / Bearded Dragons Network / Snake Network / Lizard Network / Amphibian Network Cross Contamination Many reptile keepers are totally unaware of the risks of cross contamination. It’s not just a beginner mistake. Like anything that’s a risk, it’s often just a bad habit you need to get out of […]

Reptile Health | Pet Webinars

Pet Webinars January 17th Reptile Parasite Discussion with Dr. McCormack When it comes to reptile health and veterinary care of our captive reptiles Pet Webinars is the leader in the field of interactive reptile health care and on January 17th they’re covering two amazing topics which you don’t want to miss! Reptile parasite identification and treatment is […]