Vitamin Supplementation

Vitamin supplementation examines the topics regarding dosage and availability of vitamins and mineral products on the market today.

How to Make a Hospital Cage for a Chameleon

Authored by Olimpia Martinotti of Much Ado About Chameleons How to Make a Hospital Cage for a Chameleon Perhaps you are coming home from the vet with a chameleon who’s been diagnosed with metabolic bone disease (MBD), and your vet has advised you he may not do well in a traditional cage while he recovers, […]

Hospital Enclosure Substrate

Shaun with his Iguana

Green Iguana Captive Dietary Needs

Green Iguana Captive Diet Authored by Shaun Dixon, of Iguanas of the World. One of the most common questions regarding the Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) I get asked time and again is, “What can I feed my Iguana?” The importance of diet can’t be stressed enough with our pet reptiles. A large amount of reptile illness […]

Chameleon Eye Issues | Lizard Health

Chameleon Eye Issues Authored by Pete Hawkins Chameleon Network / Bearded Dragons Network / Snake Network / Lizard Network / Amphibian Network Chameleon Eye Issues are a common problem arising in herpetoculture. Pete Hawkins examines the causes and prevention. He also offers some treatment tips as well. So, your Chameleon has eye issues? Swollen, rubbing on […]