Colubrid literally means basic snake. What this refers to generally speaking is that the venomous species of snake in the reptile world are considered by taxonomists to be the most advanced snakes we know of while boas, pythons, etc. are considered to the most ancient or basal snakes from whence all other snakes evolved. Below you will find links to specific care articles regarding colubrid species.

Kingsnakes | Eater of the Damned

Microclimate: OLED Dimming thermostat review

Why do we Kill Harmless Snakes?

Do snakes need UV lighting?

Help! My snake was bitten by it's food!

You got a new Pet Snake, Now What? | Responsible Reptile Ownership

Breeding Reptiles | Inbreeding Controversy

Hypomelanistic Grass Snake | World's First

Brumation | Preparing Colubrids for Winter

Garter in the Garden | Snake ID Mistake

Milk Snakes not Milkshakes

Corn Snakes: Breeding out the Beauty

Wacky Grey-banded Kingsnakes

Treating Aggression in Snakes

State of Prey

Conservation vs. Herpetoculture

2012 Reptile Super Show Pomona

Grey Doesn't Have To Be Boring: Grey Banded Kingsnakes
Put a Real Beauty in your Tank | Taiwan Beauty Snakes
Ultimate Reptiles for Apartment Living II