Tortoise Care

Tortoise Captive Care

Reptile Enclosure Size | Selection Tips

Authored by Eric Roscoe of Madison Area Herpetological Society  Reptile Enclosure Sizing A common question often posted on Internet and social media, particularly by those new to reptile keeping, is “which reptile(s) should I get/or are suitable for which sized enclosures?” This will of course depend on many factors. How much space one has, each species’ potential […]

Reptiles | Pet Store Neglect

Authored by Eric Roscoe of Madison Area Herpetological Society  What to Do About Pet Store Neglect Neglected Reptiles in the Retail Environment The issue of neglectful, or substandard pet stores with live animals is an old and very long running one, its familiar to the vast majority of reptile and other pet owners, keepers, breeders, and hobbyists. There […]

Radiated Tortoise | Captive Conservation

Authored by Chris Leone of Garden State Tortoise Radiated Tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) Considered to be one of the world’s most beautiful (and arguably the most beautiful) tortoise species, the Radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) is an unmistakable icon in the chelonian world. This somewhat large tortoise (up to 16″ and 35 lbs) stands tall on thick elephantine […]