
Agamidae is the largest family of lizards kept in captivity.

Water, & our Bearded Dragons

Authored by Pete Hawkins: Chameleon Network / Bearded Dragons Network / Snake Network / Lizard Network / Amphibian Network Water & Bearded Dragons As you may or may not know, Bearded Dragons are native to Central Australia. So with just a quick Google search you have all the info needed at your fingertips regarding the natural habitat. […]

Drinking via a dripper

Exotic pet owners given 30 days to free animals – Yahoo Maktoob News. This news which just arrived in my newsfeed today may have serious implications for one of our favourite species of Agamid lizards and also the subject of my most recent book The Guide to Uromastyx being published by ColdBlooded Publishing. We will keep updating as more information becomes available.