The Reptile Community hits a Home Run!

The Reptile Community hits a Home Run today! They say it takes a village to raise a child. I don’t know how that saying came about but I wanted to share an addendum as it were how my day went with Reaching out to the Reptile Community. You may recall earlier that my mind was blown by one Mr. Zach Willis’ mom with her reaction to my small gifts to her son. Well, she told me too that Zach was a firm supporter of standing against rattlesnake roundups so I shot a message to the folks at N.E.W.T.S and they are now sending Zach a t-shirt for his birthday so he can be properly attired while fighting against roundups. Then it just so happened that Zach will be attending NARBC Tinley show in Chicago (which I am jealous of by the way Zach) Brian Potter got word of this and has given Zach free passes for the show. Lo and behold the guys at Herpin’ Time Radio heard about the party and decided they are going to do a special episode of HTR with Zach in the coming weeks. We are also going to record a special episode with Zach and Justin from HTR regarding Rattlesnake Roundups for the Reptile Living Room as well.

We are all ecstatic to be helping out Zach and here’s somewhat of a challenge for you dear reader. If you want to help rock a kids birthday with your own special gift like we have, drop me a line and let’s really show this young man what the reptile community can really do. If you don’t have the means to help share the post maybe there is someone you know who does. So what do you say?