Ultimate Reptiles for Apartment Living II

Leopard Gecko Eublepharis macularius

Welcome to part 2 of Ultimate Reptiles for Apartment Living. When discussing substrates for the Leopard Gecko Eublepharis macualrius or Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum I recommend using washed play sand, available from most home improvement stores. Pour the sand into the enclosure to a depth of 1/2” to 1”. Now, keepers of these animals make mention of impaction of Leopard Gecko and these cases have been found to be a normal behavior generally related to the absence of a calcium supplement dusting daily.

It may come as a surprise that Milk Snakes can be kept on sand, which has been proven to be the best by the premier breeder of the species Robert Applegate.  Fifty pounds will cost you about $6.00 and last at least two months, given that you’re only changing it entirely once every couple of months, spot cleaning regularly.

rosy boa

Albino Rosy Boa

For the Corn Snake and the Rosy Boa, I use a mixture of: 1 part washed play sand to 2 parts ground cover bark, which you’ll also find at the local home improvement store for about $3.00 a bag. No matter what species you choose to keep, you must provide access fresh water. This is best done by providing a water bowl the reptiles can enter and completely submerge into without knocking it over.