Product Review


iSTAT Compact Reptile Thermostat | Product Review

iSTAT Compact | Product Review Authored by Pete Hawkins: Chameleon Network / Bearded Dragons Network / Snake Network / Lizard Network / Amphibian Network *Please note. This is a review for the iSTAT Compact, only. It is in no way a representation of any other product they make. I have NOT tested any other product. […]

ProProps Reptile Health Begins at the mouth| Reptile Health

ProProps Developer Dr. Simpson How did you first become involved in the exotic pet industry and more specifically reptiles? I have always had an interest in exotics pets. As a young child I had some weird and wonderful pets like Axolotls, newts, lizards and frogs. I was lucky enough to get into Veterinary School and […]
