John F Taylor Reptile Author

The Ultimate Reptiles for Apartment Living I

There are literally hundreds of species to choose from when looking for pet reptile. Only a handful will make a suitable pet for an apartment setting. Within that handful; through a decade worth of experience with reptiles and living in an apartment setting myself I have discovered there are a four genre which have similar requirements and are relatively speaking “easy” to maintain when compared to most species available today.

Poison Frogs & Their Vivaria

These diminutive creatures (very seldom more than five centimeters) are found in Central American and South American rain forests. Their diet in the wild consists of ants, termites, small spiders, and other small insects. These incredible frogs are diurnal and require little as far as care and maintenance. If you were considering a vivarium I would personally encourage anyone to obtain these animals. As they will make a great addition to and add colors to your lushly planted tank.