rattlesnake roundups

Eric Timaeus formerly of Rattlesnake Republic Responds

So in June of 2012 I did a piece on the Animal Planet Show Rattlesnake Republic ‘actors’ participating at Viper Day which was held at the Texas Zoo. You can read the original article here if you like Rattlesnake Slaughter at the Texas Zoo! The gist of this piece was this; a zoo, which in […]

Sweetwater Slaughter: Texas Rattlesnake Roundup

In the time it takes to read this article, two animals will lose their life for entertainment. Then it happened, while surfing the social networks a friend contacted me to let me know the Sweetwater Jaycees Annual rattlesnake roundup was occurring AGAIN! I know what you’re thinking, what’s the harm in a ‘roundup’ right? Isn’t […]

Rattlesnakes: The Truth, The Lies, & The Horror!

Rattlesnakes are one of if not the most misunderstood reptile when it comes to the public perception of reptiles. I am posting this today under a bit duress as I recently contacted the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation regarding the rattlesnake roundup, which you can see in the link. They completely avoided my question regarding the […]