
The Chelonian category covers turtles, tortoises, and terrapins within recent news and captive care articles as well as herpetological pursuits and efforts to save the species which are threatened by varying changes in their habitat and beyond.

Salmonella Prevention & Reptile Keeping

Salmonella is a real danger when it comes to either working with or owning reptiles. Here we have designed a special poster just for the workplace or home where reptiles are being kept feel free to download it here. Salmonella Prevention Starts with You! For more information on preventing salmonella poisoning when working with reptiles we […]

Rattlesnake Slaughter at The Texas Zoo!

Rattlesnake Republic (which I will not do the respect to link here in my site) which is produced by Animal Planet is playing part to Viper Day at the Texas Zoo. If you’re not familiar with Rattlesnake Republic this is the television show that promotes rattlesnake round-ups where thousands of pounds of rattlesnakes are slaughtered […]