
Agamidae is the largest family of lizards kept in captivity.

Atadenovirus | My Bearded Dragon, and Adenovirus

Authored by Pete ‘The Guv’nor’ Hawkins: Chameleon Britain / Bearded Dragons Network / Snake Network Atadenovirus (Adenovirus) Adenovirus, A deadly virus that can lay dormant from birth. Going back 10 years ago, I had a male Bearded Dragon. He was around 4 years old at the time if I remember correctly, I had him from […]

Breeding Reptiles | Inbreeding Controversy

Breeding Reptiles (Responsibly) Dr. Sean McCormack writes about breeding reptiles responsibly within a captive environment. Whether you’re breeding just a few snakes or thousands of reptiles every year; it pays significantly to understand the implications of breeding related blood lines. While we may never get completely away from inbreeding we should make a concerted effort to […]