Lizard Care

Lizard Captive Care

Bio-Active Terrarium Plants | A Walkthrough

Authored by Jeremy Kosonic Bio-Active Terrarium Plants Ever since the beginning of herp keeping, people have wanted to keep their animals in a natural setting (click Jump Link to read more about bio-active) Unfortunately the “spartan method” became more popular, making those with truly naturalistic enclosures a small minority. Now that people are realizing how boring […]

Cleaning Solution F10

Keeping it Clean | Cleaning your Reptile Enclosure

Authored by Eric Roscoe of Madison Area Herpetological Society & Erica Mede How to Clean your Reptile Enclosure Cleaning and Disinfecting What do I use? One commonly requested subject when it comes to the captive care and maintenance of reptiles and amphibians is that of proper cleaning and disinfection. Which products or solutions are out there and available […]

Leopard Gecko Breeding | Caging & Rack Systems

Authored by Ron Tremper, of Caging & Rack Systems with Leopard Geckos In this chapter we will introduce the reader to caging methods used by those with an interest in commercially breeding leopard geckos, from the tanks of small scale hobbyists to rack systems geared to handle thousands. Breeder Setups for Leopard Geckos Whether […]

Ron Tremper at work