

Whether you find them sold as Dabb lizards, Spiny Tails, or Spiny Tailed Agama, etc. They are lizards which deserve if not demand a special place within the ranks of any Saurian fan. They can be found in the northwestern territories of Africa and as far east as Pakistan while the furthest south they have been found is Djibouti. Looking at a world atlas the Uromastyx seem to be found mostly in the desert areas however there are a few species which occur within the montane regions of Africa. All of the species inhabit very arid areas of the world. Even species that are recognized as a mountain species occur within the range of extremely arid areas. This genus is believed by some to show their best colors at body temperatures above 100°F.

Black Millipede

African Giant Black Millipede Archispirostreptus sp

Millipedes have been around since the dawn of time itself and remained relatively unchanged. This fact is one that only a few reptiles can claim today. While they are not any threat to the popularity of the more commonly kept snakes and lizards today, I think that many people would find them extremely fascinating pets if they would simply give them chance. Especially those who like the look of snakes but can’t get past feeding a snake another animal, if that should be the case then I would highly suggest looking into a Millipede.

Herpetoculture Defined

The term of herpetoculture was one that is associated with someone that we (the writers) have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He is to say the least a very well known and respected man that has been responsible for many of the introductions of new reptile pet species to the United States and abroad.