
Leopard Gecko Breeding Part 6 | Egg Laying and Incubation Part 2

Leopard Gecko Breeding | Egg Laying and Incubation Part 2 Authored by Ron Tremper of Leopard Gecko Infertility Poor nutrition, not male sterility, is the leading cause of infertile leopard gecko eggs. In all my years, I rarely have proven a male was the reason for infertile eggs. If you are experiencing the frustration of getting […]

Tremper Albino

A guide to Free Ranging Chameleons

Authored by Karen Stockman of The Daily Chameleon  Free Ranging Chameleons As free ranges are usually larger than traditional cages, this makes them perfect for larger species. Recently I have seen many photos on various Facebook groups of chameleons “free ranging.” This is a bit of a misnomer as the chameleons are usually on the couch or […]

Caring for our Chameleons | UK & USA difference’s

Caring for our Chameleons Some UK & USA difference’s Authored by Pete Hawkins (Chameleon Britain) & Karen Venaas (The Daily Chameleon)  the reality is we are a really big country with all kinds of different climates and in different parts of the country Housing: Pete-  Here in the UK, most tend to go with the […]