
Las Vegas Reptile Expo 2010

At about an hour into the drive my auditory senses were ravaged by what is probably the number one driving song I have ever heard. Golden Earring’s Radar Love had me pounding the wheel into submission and singing like I was an American Idol throwback. You know the ones, they couldn’t sing if their life depended on it, but they sang anyway. Yeah I was that guy.

Thankfully, somewhere in the lucid hours of the drive I got some coffee into me and it perked me up slightly but I was still driving from sheer force of will not to be late. We had an appointment at 10:00 AM at the Santa Fe Station Hotel and Casino.

The Wild and Wooly Tiki Tiki Reptiles!

Packing them is really the trick we make sure we get everything labeled properly so when we bring it back, it all goes back where it’s supposed to. Especially hets and things like that.

A Snake Breeder’s Delight – the African House Snake | That Reptile Blog

African House Snakes may be unfamiliar to some but they are a great snake for the new and old keeper alike check out this informative post! A Snake Breeder’s Delight – the African House Snake | That Reptile Blog. You can also see Erik Paterson’s brilliant article he wrote for Herpetoculture House Magazine